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HARMONY - moisturizing facial oil for dry, sensitive skin

from €8 from €6,50 excl. VAT

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Extra soothing moisturizing facial oil HARMONY belongs to a group of products that you will never want to give up once you try them. This luxurious oil composition is formulated with pure, cold-pressed vegetable oils and enriched with Damascus Rose oil, to target hydration and soothe dry, sensitive skin.

Incorporating this oil into your daily skin routine will result in elastic, radiant and vital skin. Fine lines and wrinkles will be less visible, dry spots will disappear, and your skin will be healthy and beautiful. For more skin care tips, visit our blog. 

Our TIP: Apply the facial oil to makeup-free and cleansed, but still slightly damp skin, after spraying it with floral water.


Detailed information

Pleťové olejové séra: 30 ml
In stock (5 pcs)
€8,94 excl. VAT
Pleťové olejové séra: 15 ml
In stock (10 pcs)
€6,50 excl. VAT

Product detailed description

Moisturizing facial oil for dry, sensitive skin SAVON - HARMONY made from purely natural ingredients:

  • Suitable for day and evening use,
  • acts as a complement/replacement to facial cream,
  • moisturizes deeper layers of the skin (epidermis),
  • reduces wrinkles and dry spots on the face,
  • has brightening effects,
  • dermatologically tested
  • not tested on animals



  • Argan oil - has a high rejuvenating and nourishing effect, moisturizes and softens the skin. The oil promotes collagen and elastin production, acts as an antioxidant and with the help of vitamin E, prevents skin ageing.
  • Olive Squalane - a very delicate oil that absorps deep into the skin, moisturizes it, helps to maintain its elasticity, and enhances the growth of new skin cells.
  • Baobab oil -used for extremely dry skin, it provides instant hydration and gives the skin lost elasticity. The oil prevents skin ageing and helps to smooth wrinkles. It's also very beneficial for people with dry and chapped lips .
  • Jojoba oil- rich in natural unsaturated fatty acids which makes it perfect for our skin. It is easily absorbed, has regenerative effects and is suitable for sensitive skin, free from irritation. It also prevents the formation of wrinkles and protects against sunlight, as it has a natural UV factor of 3 to 4.
  • Macadamia oil - an important anti-aging aid, has unique effects on the skin to maintain its deep vitality. It helps mature and dry skin regain its youthful appearance, making it an essential tool in the fight against ageing. It nourishes, revitalizes and carefully treats the eye area.
  • Damascus Rose oil- soothes and protects sensitive skin, reduces skin redness.
  • Vitamin E - a powerful natural antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the skin. It protects it from free radicals and UV radiation. It improves skin elasticity, eliminates wrinkles and scars. 



  • Apply a small amount with a pipette into the palms of your hands and massage slowly in circular motions into your (preferably damp) skin and low neck.
  • Use morning and evening as an alternative to your regular face cream.



Before the first use, it is recommended to perform the so-called Patch test, i. e. apply and test the cosmetic product for its tolerance on a small area of the skin, preferably on the wrist and wait 24 hours. This method can prevent the risk of allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the product. If an allergic reaction occurs after application, wash the skin surface with lukewarm water. Stop using the product immediately. If the allergic reaction persists for a prolonged period of time, seek medical attention.



Store in a dry, dark place. Do not expose to sunlight.

Additional parameters

Category: Skin
Vhodné pre / Designed for: normálna až suchá, zrelá pokožka / normal to dry, mature skin
Vôňa / Fragrance: jemná vôňa ruže / delicate rose scent
Objem / Volume: 15 ml a 30 ml
Balenie / Packing: sklenená fľaška s pipetou / glass bottle with pipette
Zloženie a alergény / Composition and allergens: Argania spinosa oil, Adansonia digitata seed oil, Simmondsia chinensis seed oil, Macadamia integrifolia nut oil, Squalene, Tocopherol, Rose Damascena Absolute, *Citronelol, *Geraniol, *Eugenol, *Linalool, *Citral, *Farnesol. *zložky prirodzene sa vyskytujúce v siliciach.
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MP Avatar of author | 2.01.2025
Po tomto oleji som siahla v čase návštev u kožnej lekárky, zachránil ma. Nemohla som zniesť na pleti žiaden krém, len po tomto som nemala pocit pálenia, práve naopak.
PN Avatar of author | 22.02.2024
Ďakujem krásne za tento prírodný produkt 🙂Konzistencia oleja je úžasná, pleť je krásne hydratovaná a suché miesta na tvári sa krásne hydratovali a vôňa krásna mňam 🙂 Ďakujem
IB Avatar of author | 30.11.2023
Olej je vynikajuci, s prijemnou vonou... vrhla sa mi nan aj 17rocna dcerenka... Vrelo odporucam
SR Avatar of author | 6.10.2023
Tento olej mám veľmi rada aj moje klientky… jemný príjemná vôňa a ráno perfektná pleť vyzivena😘😘
N Avatar of author | 16.08.2021
Olej používam zatiaľ iba pár dní, ale som s ním veľmi spokojná a preto sa chcem podeliť o moju skúsenosť. Mám extrémne citlivú pleť, ako alergička na potraviny a rôzne pele mám veľmi reaktívnu pokožku striedavo so sklonom k ekzému alebo akné. Nemôžem používať klasické prípravky na zrelšiu pleť, hoci by sa už patrilo. Buď mi stav pleti zhoršia, alebo veľmi nepríjemne sťahujú. Doteraz som bola odkázaná na klasické krémy bez nejakých zázračných prídavkov. Tento olej je úžasný, pokožku zanechá hydratovanú, hladkú a bez nejakého pocitu mastnoty. Stačí pár kvapiek, pekne si ich vmasírujem do tváre a dekoltu a mám potom pocit luxusu a straostlivosti o seba, čo som už naozaj dlho nemala. Kozmetické ošetrenia nevyhľadávam, často som po nich skončila s nepeknými reakciami na mechanické dráždenie a prípravky mi nie vždy sadli. Po pár dňoch s týmto olejom mám čisté a stiahnuté póry, vrásky akoby vyhladenejšie a celkovo lepší stav pleti . Naozaj mi "sadol" a som s ním nadmieru spokojná, za čo veľmi pekne ďakujem.
JF Avatar of author | 2.07.2020
Som velmi spokojna pokozka nie je az taka sucha...prijemne vonia...
K Avatar of author | 3.03.2020
Úžasny pleťový olej
ĽS Avatar of author | 29.06.2019
Som spokojna
V Avatar of author | 4.05.2019
Už po prvom použití som sa cítila zvláštne.... Taký pocit na tvári akoby som bola zahalená sametom a zvláštne mravencenie na tvári som cítila a dokonca aj troška tepla ????????až som si uvedomovala ako moja pleť pije ten olej a užíva si to. Dlhodobo má trápi veľmi suchá pokožka nosa a trosicka na čele???? ale tento krát verím že sa môj problém vyrieši a tá vôňa je neskutočne upokojujuca. nádhera!!! Čiže za mňa láska na prvé použitie. neskôr pridám komentár po dlhodobom používaní. ďakujem aj za milý prístup a odporučenie tohoto zázraku ???? čiže za prvé použitie 10 z 10 bodov.
A Avatar of author Administrator (Administrator) 6.05.2019
Ďakujeme a veríme, že pomôže.

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