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Our ingredients

To hear that you smell good is one of the best compliments you can receive. When we walk past other people, we try to leave a subtle trace of our perfume. However, most chemical perfumes can leave people in a cloud of scent that leaves more of a headache rather than a good impression. Botanical perfumes SAVON Perfumes are made out of natural ingredients that will make you smell wonderful and your body will be free of any synthetic chemicals.

Natural, botanical perfume can blend with your natural bodychemistry. What is so great about essential oils is that they are not artificially produced. Because they are naturally occurring ingredients, the body can easily absorb them and you can create your own unique scent based on your body chemistry.

Most of us are familiar with essential oils as a means of aromatherapy and for scenting a room. With the SAVON Perfumes you get two-in-one, they are pure, smell amazing and look luxurious. Smell brilliant and stay in an elevated mood thanks to the essential oil formula.

We use essential oils, absolutes, plant, flower and fruit extracted ingredients.We never use fragrant oils, artificial fragrances or ingredients. Nature heals. What our skin and body need to prosper, we can find in mother nature. Our philosophy is that if we, personally, do not use it, we won't put it in our products either.

We all want the best for our bodies, but we rarely think of perfume as being something that could affect us. In fact, many chemically formulated perfumes contain harmful and hormone-disrupting ingredients that can cause long-term health problems.

Natural skincare and perfumes have come a long way. When taking care of your body, you don't have to sacrifice the scents that you love. If conventional perfumes and fragrances give you a headache and cause you to be more sensitive, switching to a natural perfume may be the best step for you. Or maybe you are just looking for a natural alternative to make you more aware of what's going on in your body. 

