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Advice and tips from the world of natural cosmetics

Lovely Face Cream – The Perfect Companion for Your Skin in Any Weather

Are you looking for a hydrating face cream for winter? Winter can be a tough time for our skin. Free...

Relax and Unwind with Natural Cosmetics: 5 Evening Rituals for Body and Mind

Discover these 5 simple yet effective rituals that will take your relaxation to a whole new level. ...

Start the New Year eco-friendly: Switch to natural cosmetics

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? If so, we have one that will improve both your life and the envi...

Why are phthalates in perfumes dangerous?

Are phthalates in perfumes dangerous? Have you ever read the label on your favourite perfume? Did yo...

Why should we switch to natural perfume

To be told that you smell good is one of the best compliments you can receive. When we walk past oth...

Perfume - Eau de Parfum - Eau de Toilette

DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE? Perfume, Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette – we all know these three kind...

Natural vs. Botanical perfume

In the last 10 years, there has been an increasing trendin customer awareness about ingredients, eth...

What is a natural perfume and what are its benefits?

Have you ever had a sneezing fit when you spray on your favourite fragrance, or why does perfume giv...