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47 items total
1 cakra prirodny esencialny olej
€14,63 excl. VAT

1. čakrová esencia Muladhara 

Zmes esenciálnych olejov a drahých kameňov vhodná na posilnenie 1.čakry čakry koreňovej. Blokácia 1.čakry sa prejaví na fyzickej i mentálnej úrovni človeka. Pozitívne pôsobí napríklad na krvný obeh, cievy, žily, svaly, nadobličky, hrubé črevo (čiastočne), konečník a mužské pohlavné orgány. 

Prvá čakra reprezentuje náš základ, naše korene. Koreňová čakra sídli v oblasti kostrče. Ovplyvňuje podvedomú silu a chuť k životu, ktorá úzko súvisí so svetom ostatných živých zvierat a rastlín. Jej disharmónia sa môže prejaviť nasledovnými ochoreniami: zápcha, hemoroidy, zápal hrubého čreva, hnačka, chladné neprekrvené prsty na nohách a rukách, frekvencia močenia, zápal močového mechúra, osteoporóza, artróza bedrového kĺbu, obličkové kamene, hypertenzia, hypotenzia, impotencia, vrodené deformácie chodidiel.

Preenergetizovaná 1. čakra - podporuje v nás majetníckosť, túžbu po peniazoch, moci a podporuje EGO.

Nedostatok energie v 1. čakre - sa prejavuje zabúdaním, častým strácaním vecí, zaniká potreba uspokojovanie základných životných potrieb a je tu výrazná disharmónia medzi mužskými a ženskými energiami. Človek žije skôr v predstavách, ako v realite. 


2 cakra prirodny esencialny olej
€14,63 excl. VAT

2. čakrová esencia Svadhisthana

Zmes esenciálnych olejov a drahých kameňov vhodná na posilnenie 2.čakry sakrálnej. Jej disharmónia sa môže prejaviť nasledovnými ochoreniami: Dráždivý kolon, menštruačný cyklus, predmenštruačný syndróm, silné menštruačné krvácanie, cysty na vaječníkoch, endometrióza, choroby semenníkov, choroby prostaty.

Podporuje našu kreativitu a radosť z dobre vykonanej práce. Má oranžovú farbu a nachádza sa 2-3 prsty pod pupkom. Ovplyvňuje napríklad našu sexualitu, ženské pohlavné orgány, hrubé črevo (čiastočne), močový mechúr, a obličky a kontroluje vylučovanie. Nedostatok energie v 2. čakre sa prejavuje malou motiváciou niečo tvoriť, aj čokoľvek urobiť (i upratovanie doma) .Všetko vás nudí, svet sa vám zdá šedivý a bezvýznamný a prevláda, ak je u vás lenivosť a sebectvo a ak máte najväčšiu chuť na sladké, verte, že vaša 2.čakra je v disharmónii. K harmonizácii tejto čakry netreba zvyšovať sexuálnu aktivitu, ale naopak si dopriavať partnerskú nehu a pohladenie, pretože potrebujeme vedieť, že nás má partner rád. Vyvážená druhá čakra nám dáva životnú silu a pohodu, vyváženosť a harmóniu.

3. čakrová esencia MANIPURA
€14,63 excl. VAT

3. čakrová esencia Manipura

Zmes esenciálnych olejov a drahých kameňov vhodná na posilnenie 3.čakry solar plexus. Jej disharmónia sa môže prejaviť nasledovnými ochoreniami: Cukrovka, pankreas, zápal pankreasu, choroby pečene, žlčové kamene, dvanástnikový vred, prietrž, celiakia (tenké črevo), slezina, Crohnowa choroba.

Tretia čakra sa nachádza na chrbtici vo výške pupka. Jej rovnováha hrá dôležitú úlohu v premene energie, ktorú prijímame vo forme potravy, na energiu životnú. Riadi naše emócie, vzbudzuje v nás potrebu presadiť sa silou vôle.Touto čakrou nami prúdi zloba a hnev. Cez ňu tiež posudzujeme ostatných- núti nás dirigovať a vládnuť druhým! Ovplyvňuje žalúdok, pankreas, slezinu, pečeň, žlčník, tenké črevo a tiež obličky (o tie sa delia s 2. čakrou). 

4.čakrová esencia ANAHATA
4.čakrová esencia ANAHATA
Currently unavailable
€14,63 excl. VAT

4. čakrová esencia Anahata

Zmes esenciálnych olejov a drahých kameňov vhodná na posilnenie 4.čakry čakry srdcovej. Jej disharmónia sa môže prejaviť nasledovnými ochoreniami: imunitný systém, problémy s týmusom, choroby obehového a lymfatického systému, zadržiavanie vody v tele, opuchy.

Táto čakra prepája nižšie (napojené na Zem) a vyššie (napojené na Vesmír) čakry. Skladá sa z pravej a ľavej časti. Každá časť nesie inú farbu. Pravá polovica- HÁTA- má zlatú farbu, ktorá sa ale mení pôsobením negatívnych emócií (môže sa zakaliť až do tmavo hnedej). Toto zhnednutie sa prejavuje ako srdcová nedostatočnosť. Zlatá polovica nesie JANG energiu (mužská, otcovská) a riadi pocity lásky v nás. A to lásky čistej, bez podmienok. Nie lásku erotickú (sexuálnu)! Ľavá polovica -ANÁ- má ružovofialovú farbu, ktorá sa nemení. Táto polovica nesie JIN energiu (ženská, materská). Tieto dve farby- ružovofialová a zlatá svietia dohromady ako ZELENÁ.

Štvrtá čakra má na starosti celý náš imunitný systém. (Čím viac máme v sebe lásky, tým je naša imunita silnejšia! Ovplyvňuje napríklad tieto orgány- srdce, spodná časť pľúc, hrudný kôš, krvný obeh, atď. Choroby, ktoré plynú z nedostatočnej činnosti Anáháty sa spájajú predovšetkým s týmito orgánmi. Táto čakra najviac trpí neláskou, hnevom a žiarlivosťou. a možno ju vyliečiť iba čistou láskou a vedomím odpustením sebe, i svojmu okoliu a zrieknutie sa podvedomej potreby niekoho, alebo niečo vlastniť- to znamená- zbaviť sa svojich závislostí na osobách, zvieratách, veciach, i svojho domova. Jej základným princípom je odovzdanosť a motto pre duchovný rast znie: “Milujem seba a ostatných nepodmienečne, dávam aj prijímam, cítim lásku ku všetkému živému, som otvorená a citlivá k potrebám svojim i celého vesmíru.”

5. čakrová esencia VISHUDDHA
5. čakrová esencia VISHUDDHA
Currently unavailable
€14,63 excl. VAT

5. čakrová esencia Vishuddha

Zmes esenciálnych olejov a drahých kameňov vhodná na posilnenie 5.čakry čakry krčnej. Jej disharmónia sa môže prejaviť nasledovnými ochoreniami: Astma, zvýšená činnosť štítnej žľazy, bolesti hrdla, zápaly krčných mandlí, sluchové ťažkosti, ušné šelesty, horná časť tráviacej sústavy, afty, zuby, mentálna anorexia, roztrúsená skleróza.

Nesie inšpiráciu a sebarealizáciu v profesionálnom i spoločenskom živote. Slúži ako most medzi naším myslením a cítením a sleduje aj naše reakcie na ne (plač, smiech, radosť, láska, strach, atď.). Preto, keď sú blokované energie v 5. čakre, je narušené “porozumenie medzi hlavou a telom. Má blankytne modrú až tyrkysovú farbu, niekedy môže mať aj nádych striebornej žiary. Nachádza sa pod jugulárnou jamkou. Niekedy sa jej hovorí krčná, alebo karmická čakra a to preto, že v nás reguluje príčiny a následky.

6. čakrová esencia AJNA
6. čakrová esencia AJNA
In stock (3 pcs)
€14,63 excl. VAT

6. čakrová esencia Ajna

Zmes esenciálnych olejov a drahých kameňov vhodná na posilnenie 6.čakry čakry čelovejJej disharmónia sa môže prejaviť následovnými ochoreniami: Tlakové bolesti hlavy, migréna, problémy s videním, krátkozrakosť, ďalekozrakosť, zelený zákal, škvrny v zornom poli oka, zápal horných dýchacích ciest a ťažkosti s dutinami, výtok z nosa, zápal prínosových dutín.

Hovorí sa jej aj čakra UVEDOMENIA- súvisí s jasnozrivosťou. Učí nás používať intuíciu. Intuícia je náš jediný a spoľahlivý radca. Intuícia je to, čo nás napadne ako prvé. Má tmavo modrú až indigovú farbu a nachádza sa uprostred čela, respektíve je vnútri hlavy.

7.čakrová esencia SAHASRARA
€14,63 excl. VAT

7. čakrová esencia Sahasrara

Zmes esenciálnych olejov a drahých kameňov vhodná na posilnenie 7.čakry čakry korunnej. Disharmónia siedmej čakry sa môže prejaviť nasledovnými choreniami: Depresia, Parkinsonova choroba, schizofrénia, epilepsia, senilná demencia, úzkosti, strachy.

Má svetlo fialovú farbu, ktorá môže prechádzať do biela so zlatistým nádychom. Sahasrára nesie zodpovednosť za celistvosť všetkých našich energetických tiel a ich čakier. Ručí za to, že môžeme cítiť radosť, šťastie a eufóriu. Akonáhle dôjde k oslabeniu tejto čakry, prejaví sa to v celom našom tele. Keď dôjde k uzavretiu 7. čakry trpí celé naše fyzické telo, ale lekári nič nenájdu. Keď tento stav pretrváva, nastáva smrť. Z psychického hľadiska tu môžeme nájsť schizofrénie, Parkinsonovu chorobu, epilepsiu, demenciu- i senilnú, depresie a úplné zúfalstvá. Preto nie je náhoda, že úplné zúfalstvo človek vyjadruje tým, že si položí ruky na temeno hlavy.

Ľudia s narušenou funkciou siedmej čakry potrebujú láskyplné vedenie, ktoré im pomôže znovu vniesť do života svetlo. Ak je táto čakra dostatočne otvorená, vyživuje a vitalizuje náš miechový kanál a všetky čakry pozdĺž chrbtice, čo rozosiela energiu prostredníctvom meridiánov do celého tela. Táto energia je neosobná a posilňuje všetko prítomné. Je najaktívnejšia v detstve, kedy sa táto energia až vo fyzickom tele upevňuje.

anxiety essential oil
€6,42 excl. VAT

ANXIETY blend of pure essential oils effective for eliminating tension and nervousness.

A blend of essential oils that can help with many health problems, including mental difficulties. This blend will help you combat stress, eliminate tension and nervousness, and calm your nervous system. A few drops of this blend will improve your mood and protect against depressive states.

You can use the blend in diffusers and aromatherapy jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil and blend smell pleasant to you. If the blend is pleasant to you, you will feel good, and your mind and body will accept the therapeutic blend more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or the mixed essential oil blend is not pleasant to you, it will not create the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

bactery essential oil
€5,85 excl. VAT

BACTERIA – a blend of pure essential oils that best 'clean' the air.

A blend of essential oils with antibacterial properties. Essential oils that have a strong ability to destroy viruses and bacteria. They support the immune system and can also serve as prevention. And how best to use this blend? Simply drop it into a diffuser and let it act on all bacteria, mold, and viruses in the air. If you don't have a diffuser, drop it into a bowl or on a cloth and place it on a radiator. We believe that thanks to this blend, the flu will stay away from you.

More information about the oils used can be found below.

basil essential oil
BASIL natural essential oil
In stock (>10 pcs)
€6,34 excl. VAT

Basil Natural Essential Oil

Basil essential oil is obtained through steam distillation from the flowering parts of the plant. Its aroma is sweet and fresh, with a slightly balsamic undertone.

Basil is valued for its regenerative and soothing effects, often used to alleviate muscle and joint pain, ease breathing, and cool the skin. It is suitable for aromatic, external, and internal use. It has a warm, spicy, yet herbal fragrance that helps reduce anxiety.

In aromatherapy, it is used to relieve tension in the head and neck, and to enhance concentration and calm the mind (thanks to its high content of linalool). It is also a great aid during meditation techniques. Overall, it helps calm the nervous system due to overwork.

You can use essential oil in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil, as well as the blend, smells pleasant to you. If the blend feels pleasant, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will absorb the therapeutic blend more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or a mixture of essential oils is unpleasant, it will not evoke the right feelings, harmony, and calm you need.

bergamot essential oil
€4,80 excl. VAT

BERGAMOT Natural Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil is antiseptic and antispasmodic (relieves cramps), and it is also antidepressant. It is used for acne, abscesses, eczema, ulcers, and dandruff. Bergamot is suitable for bronchitis, tonsillitis, and sore throat, especially when combined with lemon. When blended with eucalyptus, it improves breathing, and when mixed with myrtle and lemon, it purifies the air in smoky rooms. It may increase photosensitivity. It alleviates mental and physical fatigue and helps with depression.

You can use the essential oil in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil or blend smells pleasant to you. If the blend is pleasant to you, you feel good, and your thoughts and body accept the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If you do not like the aroma of the essential oil or the blended mixture of essential oils, it will not bring you the right feelings, harmony, and peace you need.

black spruce essential oil
€6,67 excl. VAT

BLACK SPRUCE natural essential oil

Its scent is light and fruity compared to other coniferous trees. It has excellent effects on loosening mucus in respiratory illnesses. It supports the endocrine system. Try diffusing it in the space to improve your mood, for refreshment, stimulation, and to ward off winter depression. Diffuse black spruce essential oil or apply it to the nape of the neck throughout the day to create a sense of harmony and balance. The refreshing aroma of this oil is often used in aromatherapy to maintain a feeling of clear airways and easy breathing.

You can use the essential oil in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information on the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil, as well as the blend, smells pleasant to you. If you enjoy the blend, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will absorb the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If the scent of the essential oil or a blended mixture of essential oils is not pleasant to you, it will not induce the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

breathe essential oil
€5,85 excl. VAT

BREATHING blend of pure essential oils that make breathing easier.

A blend of natural essential oils combined to make breathing easier. It positively affects the respiratory system and can be safely used by the entire family to soothe the airways and support clear breathing. The blend is made from oils that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. It also combats bacteria and viruses transmitted through the air. It helps with bronchitis, cough, flu, mononucleosis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and tuberculosis.

You can use the blend in diffusers and aroma jewelry to enhance immunity, resilience, and protection from viruses and diseases. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it's important that the oil and the blend smell pleasant to you. If the blend is pleasant, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will accept the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or the mixed essential oils is not pleasant to you, it will not induce the right feelings, harmony, and calmness you need.


copaiba essential oil
€7,97 excl. VAT

COPAIBA BALSAM natural essential oil

The use of this essential oil is beneficial for neurological health problems.

It soothes sore joints and muscles, alleviates pain from arthritis or gout. It relieves digestive issues. It is excellent for skin care - it tightens the skin and softens the skin tone. It provides additional support to the immune system. Thanks to its Beta-caryophyllene content, it has strong anti-inflammatory effects, promotes healing, and is good for scars. It helps in wound cleansing and prevents infection. It is proven that Copaiba has a strong antibacterial effect, especially against Streptococcus mutans.

In case of incontinence issues, applying Copaiba essential oil diluted with a carrier oil to the lower abdomen helps improve bladder muscle tone. It is used to calm breathing, including bronchial inflammation and sinusitis. It is recommended for the treatment of stomach ulcers and cancer-related conditions.

Copaiba connects us with our past. It helps us discover who we truly are and also helps us forgive ourselves. It reassures us that emotional, mental, and physical limitations are only temporary. It teaches us to reveal the higher purpose of our lives.

You can use the essential oil in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information on the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil or blend smells pleasant to you. If you find the blend pleasant, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will absorb the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or blended essential oils is unpleasant to you, it won’t create the right feelings, harmony, or peace that you need.

energy essential oil
ENERGY natural essential oil
In stock (>10 pcs)
€6,42 excl. VAT

ENERGY blend of pure essential oils that will restore your lost energy.

A blend of natural essential oils to restore missing energy. The blend positively affects emotional well-being and stress management. Add a few drops to our aroma bracelet, and by the end of the day, you'll feel fresh and full of energy. You can also add a few drops to your meditation, exercise, or bath, or to an aroma lamp to replenish lost energy. The blend is made from oils that have a beneficial effect on stress relief, bringing optimism and energy. It supports positive thinking and creativity.

You can use the blend in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil or blend smells pleasant to you. If the blend is enjoyable, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will absorb the therapeutic blend more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or mixed essential oils is unpleasant to you, it will not evoke the proper feelings, harmony, and peace you need.

Eukalyptus prírodný esenciálny olej
€4,80 excl. VAT

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the Eucalyptus globulus tree. It has a sharp camphor-like scent that is easily recognizable. Eucalyptus oil is one of the most effective essential oils for coughs because it helps to release mucus from the respiratory tract. It can also be effective for seasonal allergies. It alleviates mental exhaustion and clears the mind. It is suitable for problematic, oily, and acne-prone skin.
More information can be found below.

frankincense essential oil
€6,91 excl. VAT

FRANKINCENSE natural essential oil

A pleasant balsamic, sweet woody scent with a very subtle lemony undertone, a fragrance fixer. It smells literally divine, and its traditional use was burning as a sacrifice to the gods. Frankincense was historically used to drive away evil spirits. Today, we can understand this term as a way to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and worries, which can manifest as physical or mental illnesses.

More information can be found below.

geranium essential oil
€8,13 excl. VAT

GERANIUM Natural Essential Oil

It is obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of geranium. It is an oil particularly suitable for women, enhancing the feminine side and harmonizing the body. It has a positive effect on female issues such as menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, and urinary tract problems. It also has rejuvenating and regenerative effects, and helps reduce cellulite. The oil’s effects against microbes and bacteria are utilized in treating acne, infections, and skin irritations. Due to its full fragrance and calming effects, geranium oil is often sought after for stress, depression, and anxiety. Geranium is an essential part of outdoor excursions, as it helps repel ticks. It has a distinctive fresh, floral, rose-like scent with a spicy touch.

You can use the essential oil in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil and the blend have a pleasant scent to you. If the blend is pleasant, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will absorb the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or the mixed essential oils is not pleasant to you, it will not create the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

good night essential oil
€5,85 excl. VAT

GOOD NIGHT blend of pure essential oils to support a peaceful atmosphere before sleep

The calming blend of essential oils helps create a peaceful atmosphere, making the time before sleep a calming and pleasant experience. The essential oils will help induce soothing feelings. You can use the Good Night blend as part of your evening ritual. Complete relaxation can lead to better sleep quality and depth, so you wake up refreshed and full of energy for a new day.

You can use the blend in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil or blend smells pleasant to you. If you enjoy the blend, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will accept the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or the blended mixture of essential oils is not pleasant to you, it will not create the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

grapefruit essential oil
€4,80 excl. VAT

GRAPEFRUIT Natural Essential Oil

Grapefruit essential oil naturally has a high content of antioxidants and phytochemicals that reduce stress and inflammation. Adults who inhaled grapefruit essential oil showed an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity, as well as an improvement in mood and a reduction in feelings of stress. Grapefruit oil also has antibacterial properties and helps combat oily skin, but it can prevent damage caused by UV radiation.

It has also been found that grapefruit oil aids in wound healing, such as after a bite, and helps prevent skin infections. Its effect is also very beneficial for the scalp, giving hair shine. Its antibacterial effect has been proven by research – it can even fight against strong bacterial strains. Try it also as an effective and entirely eco-friendly household cleaner. It even removes odors from surfaces.

More information can be found below.

immunity essential oil
€7,24 excl. VAT

IMMUNITY blend of pure essential oils effective in strengthening the immune system, which have stimulating and protective effects on the body.

This blend is a great helper during weather changes, flu seasons, or for those who have a weakened immune system. The blend is made from essential oils that complement each other and enhance their effects. The used essential oils support the lymphatic and immune systems, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and promote healthy respiratory functions against flu and colds.

You can use the blend in diffusers and aroma jewelry to increase immunity, resistance, and protection against viruses and illnesses. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil or blend smells pleasant to you. If the blend is pleasant, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will accept the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or the mixed blend of essential oils is not pleasant to you, it will not create the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

intuition essential oil
€6,42 excl. VAT

INTUITION blend of pure essential oils effective for our inner connection with ourselves

The ability to "see" clearly allows us to perceive patterns and possibilities. Accessing our inner guidance requires a sense of surrender through self-reflection. Use this essential oil to calm the conscious mind and support thinking. It enhances the ability to "see clearly" through intuition, insights, and clarity. It calls upon creative energy and inspires us to move forward with our possibilities. Our intuition brings clearer perception of our purpose and path through inspiration, visualization, and imagination.

You can use this blend in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information on the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it's important that the oil and blend smell pleasant to you. If the blend is pleasant, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will accept the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or blended essential oils is not pleasant to you, it will not create the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

lavender essential oil
€4,80 excl. VAT

Lavender Natural Essential Oil

It soothes and stabilizes, helps restore mental and emotional balance, is helpful in processing traumatic emotional experiences, relieves nervous tension and shock, suppresses feelings of panic and hysteria, suitable for insomnia, calms strong emotions that overwhelm us, reduces frustration and irritability.

Studies have shown that diffusing lavender in the home reduces postnatal depression or anxiety disorders in women after childbirth. Lavender oil is popular for sleep problems, stress, anxiety, and nervousness. It significantly reduces symptoms of post-traumatic stress, as studies have proven.

You can use the essential oil in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about lavender can be found in our article on our blog.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil or blend smells pleasant to you. If the blend is pleasant to you, you feel good, and your mind and body accept the therapeutic blend more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or a mixed blend of essential oils is not pleasant to you, it will not evoke the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

mandarin essential oil
€4,80 excl. VAT

MANDARIN Essential Oil

Mandarin essential oil is a 100% natural oil extracted from the peel of ripe mandarins. It is known for its refreshing, soothing, and antiseptic properties. This oil is ideal for those seeking a natural way to promote mental well-being and physical health.

Mandarin essential oil is safe and suitable for both children and adults. It is the perfect oil for daily use, bringing a sense of harmony, freshness, and well-being into your life. Treat yourself to natural care with mandarin essential oil and enjoy its beneficial effects on both body and mind.

More information can be found below.

lemon balm essential oil
MELISSA natural essential oil
Currently unavailable
€12,20 excl. VAT
milano difuzor
€19,92 excl. VAT

Elegance and Comfort in One

Create the perfect atmosphere with our Milano Aroma Diffuser, which combines sophisticated design with functionality. This modern diffuser uses advanced ultrasonic technology to gently disperse essential oils into the air, contributing to the improvement of your well-being, concentration, and relaxation.
Discover the perfect balance between style and functionality with the Milano diffuser and transform any space into an oasis of peace and comfort.

oregano essential oil
€6,18 excl. VAT

OREGANO natural essential oil

Oregano is a very strong essential oil, and we should start using it very cautiously. It has a strong, intense scent that is great for disinfection during seasonal illnesses. When well diluted, it can also be used for painful joints related to aging. Oregano is suitable for respiratory issues. It has a powerful expectorant effect. Oregano is also very effective in fighting internal parasites.

Its high content of carvacrol is especially responsible for its effectiveness against various types of fungal and bacterial diseases.

More information can be found below.

passion essential oil
€6,42 excl. VAT

PASSION blend of pure essential oils to enhance sensory sensitivity

This sweet blend deepens the experience of an intimate moment with your partner. It has a sensual, exotic fragrance and will guide you deeply into your feelings. It alleviates fatigue and tension, relaxing both the body and mind. Your senses will awaken to playfulness and activity. The essential oils have aphrodisiac effects, which open the first chakra and its energy. Add a few drops to your favorite oil and surrender to the euphoria of feelings and passion that will overwhelm you.

You can use the blend in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it’s important that the oil and blend have a pleasant scent for you. If the blend is pleasant, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will accept the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or mixed essential oils is not pleasant, it will not bring you the right feelings, harmony, and peace you need.

Pačuli prírodný esenciálny olej
PATCHOULI Natural Essential Oil
Currently unavailable
€7,07 excl. VAT

PATCHOULI Natural Essential Oil

Patchouli (Pačuli) is a shrub native to tropical parts of Asia. The natural essential oil has an earthy, mildly sweet, spicy fragrance. Initially, it was used primarily for its insect-repellent properties as a repellent or to protect clothing and fabrics. Later, its health benefits became known, and today it is considered one of the most versatile essential oils on the market.

It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antidepressant effects; helps with fever, eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis; and aids in relaxation and meditation.

It also acts as an aphrodisiac; it stimulates sexual hormones, estrogen, and testosterone, which increase sexual appetite. Patchouli essential oil has been used as an aphrodisiac for hundreds of years.

You can use the essential oil in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used is provided below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil and the blend have a pleasant fragrance. If the blend is enjoyable, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will accept the therapeutic blend more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or a mixture of essential oils is not pleasant to you, it will not bring you the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

mint essential oil
€5,28 excl. VAT

Peppermint Essential Oil – Refresh Your Body and Mind

Step into a world of refreshment and balance with our peppermint essential oil. This exceptional oil, derived from fresh peppermint leaves, offers powerful refreshing and invigorating effects that will instantly awaken your senses. Perfect for daily use, its natural properties are your secret to maintaining inner peace and vitality.

Find more information below.

pine essential oil
PINE natural essential oil
In stock (>10 pcs)
€4,80 excl. VAT

PINE Natural Essential Oil

Pine essential oil has a captivating scent. It is extracted from the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). This evergreen is the most widespread and humble conifer, growing from wetlands to sandy soils, tolerating drought, high temperatures, and frost, though it does need sunlight. Its strength symbolizes an inexhaustible life force, which is why it is known as the tree of life, and this is exactly what our pine essential oil represents. It can be used for bronchitis and asthma, purifying the air and disinfecting. It is excellent for inhalation when you have a cold, as well as for rheumatism and muscle tension.

You can use the essential oil in diffusers and aromatherapy jewelry. More information on the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil and blend smell pleasant to you. If the blend is pleasant, you feel good, and your thoughts and body will accept the therapeutic blend much more intensively. If the aroma of the essential oil or the mixed blend of essential oils is not pleasant to you, it will not bring the right feelings, harmony, and peace you need.

relaxation essential oil
POHODA natural essential oil
In stock (>10 pcs)
€6,42 excl. VAT

POHODA blend of pure essential oils effective in creating inner harmony and peace of mind.

The blend is composed of natural essential oils that complement each other, enhancing their therapeutic effects and promoting the establishment of inner harmony, peace of mind, body, and emotions. The POHODA blend supports relaxation, calms the mind and emotions, and promotes a good mood. It balances emotions and encourages during stressful periods and anxiety.

You can use the blend in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil and blend have a pleasant scent. If the blend is pleasant to you, you will feel good, and your thoughts and body will absorb the therapeutic blend more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or the mixed essential oil blend is not pleasant to you, it will not create the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

Rozmarín prírodný esenciálny olej
ROSEMARY natural essential oil
Currently unavailable
€4,80 excl. VAT

ROSEMARY natural essential oil

The natural essential oil of rosemary has a well-known fresh herbal scent. If you long for relaxation and refreshment, rosemary is the ideal choice, as it helps relax muscle pain and cramps, while its scent will uplift you. It strongly stimulates during fatigue, enhances concentration, relieves anxiety, and helps with colds, flu, and rheumatism. It is suitable for massages for muscle pain. Combine it with peppermint essential oil to achieve a stronger refreshing effect and a cooling sensation.

More information can be found below.

sage essential oil
SAGE natural essential oil
In stock (>10 pcs)
€7,97 excl. VAT

Sage (Salvia officinalis) natural essential oil

Sage has been used for its wide-ranging effects in traditional medicine since ancient times. It is excellent for calming and strengthening the nervous system. It is very effective in addressing all female hormonal issues (from menstrual problems, infertility, lack of sexual interest, to menopause-related issues). It helps with depression, sadness, and anxiety. It strengthens overall immunity, the liver, kidneys, and the urinary system.

The essential oil can be used in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it is important that the oil and blend smell pleasant to you. If the blend is pleasant, you will feel good, and your mind and body will accept the therapeutic blend much more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or the mixed essential oil blend is unpleasant to you, it will not create the right feelings, harmony, and peace that you need.

Šumivá bomba Kokos 180g
€4,07 excl. VAT

Coconut – A Bath Full of Tropical Relaxation

Immerse yourself in a world of exotica with our Coconut bath bomb. This bomb transforms your bath into a refreshing escape to a tropical island, where you will be enchanted by the soft, creamy scent of coconut and a sweet hint of vanilla. Every fizz of the bomb in the water brings moments of relaxation that soften your skin and awaken your senses.

Thanks to natural ingredients that nourish and soften the skin, your bath will not only be fragrant but truly refreshing. Coconut is perfect for moments when you long for an escape from the daily hustle and want to feel like you’re in a sun-kissed beach paradise.

Escape to the world of coconut paradise – experience a bath like never before.

Šumivá bomba Brusnica 180g
€4,07 excl. VAT

Step into the world of relaxation with our Cranberry Bath Bomb! This unique bomb transforms your bathroom into an oasis of calm and fragrance, where you can indulge in a well-deserved rest.

With every dip into the warm water, a delightful aroma of juicy cranberries is released, uplifting your senses and bringing a feeling of freshness. Our bath bomb contains natural ingredients that gently hydrate the skin, leaving it soft and smooth to the touch.

Let the gentle bubbles carry you away, not only pampering your skin but also enhancing your relaxation. Perfect for long, soothing baths after a tough day. Create your own personal wellness ritual with our bath bomb and take some time just for yourself.

Šumivá bomba Levanduľa 180g
€4,07 excl. VAT

Lavender – A Bath Full of Peace and Harmony

Enjoy moments of peace and relaxation with our Lavender Bath Bomb. This luxurious bath experience will transport you to serene lavender fields, where the gentle, calming scent of lavender fills the air while soothing and softening your skin. Create the perfect atmosphere for rest and relieve stress after a busy day.

The Lavender Bath Bomb is a great way to indulge in moments of silence and tranquility or as a gift for those who love natural scents and calming bath rituals.

Let yourself be carried away on waves of peace and harmony – experience a bath like never before.

Šumivá bomba Mandarínka Grapefruit 180g
€4,07 excl. VAT

Mandarin Grapefruit – A Bath Full of Freshness and Energy

Experience a refreshing experience with our bath bomb – Mandarin Grapefruit. This bomb will transport you to a tropical paradise, where the citrus freshness of mandarin and the juicy touch of grapefruit merge. It’s perfect for the morning when you need to kickstart your day, or in the evening when you want to indulge in a fresh escape from daily stress.

The Mandarin Grapefruit bath bomb is a great way to enjoy moments of relaxation filled with freshness, or as a gift for those who love citrus scents and revitalizing bath rituals.

Experience a fresh bath full of energy and optimism – Mandarin Grapefruit is here for you.

Šumivá bomba Pomaranč Škorica 180g
€4,07 excl. VAT

Šumivá bomba Pomaranč Škorica do kúpeľa predstavuje výnimočný výrobok pre spríjemnenie kúpeľa a navodenie úžasnej relaxačnej atmosféry. Bambucké maslo pokožku zjemní a prevoní. Šumivá bomba navodí relax a zároveň vyživí a zanechá ju jemnú a vláčnu pokožku. Doprajte si zaslúžený odpočinok, zrelaxujte svoje telo i myseľ a nechajte sa unášať úžasnými vôňami a neuveriteľnou je

Orange Cinnamon – A Bath Full of Warmth and Comfort

Immerse yourself in a bath that will warm you even on the coldest days with our fizzing bath bomb – Orange Cinnamon. This bomb combines the refreshing citrus scent of ripe orange with the warm, spicy touch of cinnamon. It’s the perfect fragrant combination for moments of relaxation, warming you not only on the body but also on the soul.

The Orange Cinnamon fizzing bomb is ideal for those who love warm and sensual scents and want to indulge in a bath that will soothe all their senses.

Treat yourself to a moment of comfort with the scent of orange and cinnamon – experience a bath that will warm you.

mnosťou pokožky.

Šumivá bomba Pomaranč Čokoláda 180g
€4,07 excl. VAT

Orange Chocolate – A Bath Full of Sweet Pleasure

Experience the perfect combination of sweet and refreshing with the fizzing bath bomb – Orange Chocolate. This irresistible duo will take you into a world of flavors where juicy orange meets the rich, warming scent of chocolate. Together, they create a bath that’s not only pleasantly fragrant but also truly soothing for your body and mind.

Treat yourself to a bath that’s not only refreshing but also sweetly warming – Orange Chocolate is the perfect way to escape into a world of comfort and indulgence.

Don't miss out on this sweet opportunity – experience a bath that will become your new favorite.

Šumivá bomba Ruža 180g
€4,07 excl. VAT

Rose – A Bath Full of Luxury and Sensuality

Immerse yourself in the beautiful floral world with our bath fizzing bomb – Rose. This bomb will bring a gentle and elegant scent of fresh roses to your bath, surrounding you with a calming atmosphere and turning an ordinary bath into an extraordinary experience.

Rose is perfect for those who love floral fragrances and want to indulge in a bath that is not only refreshing but also exceptionally sensual.

Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation and luxury – experience a bath filled with pink beauty and harmony.

orange essential oil
€4,80 excl. VAT

SWEET ORANGE Natural Essential Oil

Orange brings a good mood, supports positive thinking, creativity, and playfulness. This essential oil is the perfect companion on gloomy days.

It improves mood, calms, and alleviates anxiety, making it suitable as an antidepressant. Its effect is uplifting and soothing, so it is ideal for insomnia. It can also be used in the kitchen, for example, to clean cutting boards or appliances. It also works as an ant repellent in the kitchen.

More information can be found below.

sungit drt aktivator vody
Šungit - kameň zdravia
Currently unavailable
€4,88 excl. VAT

Šungit - kameň zdravia alebo medicína 21.storočia

Šungit je jedinečná polyminerálna uhlíková hornina, ktorá svojou elektromagnetickou energiou vysiela udravujúcu silu na človeka. Má schopnosť čistiť vodu od organických látok, od mnohých kovov, nekovov, baktérií a mikroorganizmov. Čistí vodu od zárodkov plesní, odstraňuje z nej  kal, zápach i príchute.

Šungit veľmi dobre pôsobí na zdravotný stav ľudského organizmu, hlavne pri zažívacích problémoch. Obsahuje mnoho stopových prvkom, ktorými nasycuje vodu. Šungitová voda ma liečivé účinky hlavne na stav žalúdka a črevného traktu.

Hmotnosť balenia: 200g

tea tree essential oil
€5,53 excl. VAT

Tea Tree Essential Oil – Natural Power for Your Skin and Health

Experience the power of nature with our 100% natural Tea Tree essential oil. This unique oil is known for its exceptional properties, making it ideal for daily skin and health care.

Utilize this versatile oil for aromatherapy, mix it with a carrier oil for massages, or add it to your favorite cosmetic products. There's nothing easier than adding a few drops to your diffuser and enjoying its fresh scent.

More information can be found below.

thyme essential oil
THYME natural essential oil
In stock (>10 pcs)
€5,61 excl. VAT

Thyme Natural Essential Oil

Thyme essential oil is produced through steam distillation of the upper parts of the thyme flowers. This natural essential oil is best known for its ability to combat cough, flu, cold, and nasal congestion. Its effects help with muscle pain, ear, tooth, bone, and joint pain. Local application combined with a carrier oil relieves and treats skin conditions such as acne, fungus, rashes, scabies, or can be used as an ingredient in shampoos for hair loss and dandruff. Thyme essential oil is used for respiratory diseases, it eases heavy breathing, and soothes irritating and suffocating coughs. It’s excellent for supporting the immune system. It is gentle yet powerful, making it suitable for both children and adults.

You can use essential oil in diffusers and aroma jewelry. More information about the oils used can be found below.

When using essential oils and blends, it’s important that the oil and blend smell pleasant to you. If the blend is pleasing, you feel good, and your mind and body accept the therapeutic blend more intensely. If the aroma of the essential oil or the mixed essential oils blend is not pleasant, it will not bring you the right feelings, harmony, or peace you need.

€41,46 excl. VAT

Relax and Unwind with Fragrance

Enhance the atmosphere in your home, office, or spa with our Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser Ibiza. This elegant and modern diffuser uses ultrasonic technology to gently disperse essential oils into the air, creating a pleasant and soothing fragrance that improves your well-being, mood, and overall atmosphere.

Experience tranquility and relaxation with the Ibiza diffuser, which transforms your surroundings into a place filled with peace and comfort. The natural scents of essential oils help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and create harmony in any room.

vanilla essential oil
€6,10 excl. VAT

Záznamy zo starovekého Egypta potvrdzujú, že už vtedy Egypťania poznali účinky esenciálnych alebo éterických olejov. Vonné oleje pôsobia na naše zmysly a vyvolávajú v našom tele rôzne biologické reakcie. Práve tento proces sa volá aromaterapia. Každý vonný olej pôsobí na iný orgán a to ako priaznivo, tak nepriaznivo. Vône teda nemožno brať na ľahkú váhu. Éterické alebo esenciálne oleje sa získavajú z rôznych častí rastlín (listy, drevo, plody) a to buď parnou destiláciou, extrakciou (pri ktorej sa používajú organické rozpúšťadlá) alebo lisovaním.