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Aroma Accessories

Light up your home with the pleasant, clean scent of essential oils in designer diffusers.

3 items total
milano difuzor
€19,92 excl. VAT

Elegance and Comfort in One

Create the perfect atmosphere with our Milano Aroma Diffuser, which combines sophisticated design with functionality. This modern diffuser uses advanced ultrasonic technology to gently disperse essential oils into the air, contributing to the improvement of your well-being, concentration, and relaxation.
Discover the perfect balance between style and functionality with the Milano diffuser and transform any space into an oasis of peace and comfort.

sungit drt aktivator vody
Šungit - kameň zdravia
Currently unavailable
€4,88 excl. VAT

Šungit - kameň zdravia alebo medicína 21.storočia

Šungit je jedinečná polyminerálna uhlíková hornina, ktorá svojou elektromagnetickou energiou vysiela udravujúcu silu na človeka. Má schopnosť čistiť vodu od organických látok, od mnohých kovov, nekovov, baktérií a mikroorganizmov. Čistí vodu od zárodkov plesní, odstraňuje z nej  kal, zápach i príchute.

Šungit veľmi dobre pôsobí na zdravotný stav ľudského organizmu, hlavne pri zažívacích problémoch. Obsahuje mnoho stopových prvkom, ktorými nasycuje vodu. Šungitová voda ma liečivé účinky hlavne na stav žalúdka a črevného traktu.

Hmotnosť balenia: 200g

€41,46 excl. VAT

Relax and Unwind with Fragrance

Enhance the atmosphere in your home, office, or spa with our Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser Ibiza. This elegant and modern diffuser uses ultrasonic technology to gently disperse essential oils into the air, creating a pleasant and soothing fragrance that improves your well-being, mood, and overall atmosphere.

Experience tranquility and relaxation with the Ibiza diffuser, which transforms your surroundings into a place filled with peace and comfort. The natural scents of essential oils help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and create harmony in any room.