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Perfume - Eau de Parfum - Eau de Toilette


Perfume, Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette – we all know these three kinds. But do you know the difference between them?!

1. Perfume is the most concentrated out of all possible fragrances, and that is the reason it is the most expensive. It tends to be slightly oily and typically contains 20 to 40 percent of pure perfume extract. It is too strong, and of course too expensive, to be sprayed everywhere. Just a single application of perfume can last up to 24 hours! Not to confuse quantity and quality, it should also be noted that the percentage of pure perfume extract is not necessarily an indicator of the quality of the perfume.

2. Eau de Parfum uses the same perfume essence, but of course in smaller quantities and contains more alcohol and water. This means that the scent is a little lighter and usually doesn't last as long, and it is mainly because of this lightness that many find it more suitable. Usually, there is 10 to 20 percent of the perfume essence in the water of the perfume.

3. Eau de Toilette is always lighter and is usually sold in spray Its lightness allows us to spray it more casually. This type of fragrance is generally the most convenient for everyday use because it is less intense, and even if you use too much, it is easily dispersed. It usually contains 4 to 15 percent of pure perfume. The high alcohol content means that the scent doesn't last very long and one application of Eau de Toilette can last you up to three hours.